Battlecock Princess released!
I've decided to release Battlecock Princess for free at the title url!
The current game files are corrupted and this is the last good state the game is in unfortunately. Needless to say I will never use the stencyl game engine ever again. :P
I hope everyone enjoys what I was able to complete so far as I think I will retire to lurker status again (with the occasional update!) :)
lwswwyygo http://www.gheg7v39z9u690y1e1usc866ı
<a href="http://www.gheg7v39z9u690y1e1usc866ı">alwswwyygo</a>
<a href="">aszqznhfbs</a>
ゴローズ エピソード
フェンディ のペア腕時計
タグホイヤー グランドカレラ クロノグラフ
今春の新作が登場 3日間限定
新感覚万能バッグ登場 土日祝も発送
限定独占販売 2015春夏新色追加
限定特別入荷 メール便送料無料
安い奇跡の再入荷 完売これで最後
メール便送料無料 新作取扱店
本物 メンズ セール対象商品
Just wanted to leave my thanks for releasing what you could rescue. Too bad you had so much trouble with the game engine and I hope you have no trouble with the next one.
I enjoyed this product too, even more as your previous one, Hero Demon Quest I bought it at
As I see how you improved I will definetely buy your next product.
keep up the good work and I am looking forward to the next game!
best wishes
Your Fan Anonymoose
when you will create a new flash game again ?
Anyway thx for all your works! They are real masterpieces!
First of all I want to thx you for all your works, they are real masterpices!
I want to ask you one question. There was no updates here and on pixiv account quite long time, so I was wandering are you still draw? Or maybe you work on something big and dont have time for small updates?
Hope you read my message and answer me. Anyway I wish you all the best and thx again for your art!
Your work/art is awesome, there is nothing out there like it.
I Hope sometime in the future you will start with another flash or maybe a patreon.
I just wanted to let you know that your fans are still out there and if you come back sometime I am pretty sure many will support you.
Wish you the best of life
> Hey, you might read this and I hope you like it.
> Your work/art is awesome, there is nothing out there like it.
> I Hope sometime in the future you will start with another flash or maybe a patreon.
> I just wanted to let you know that your fans are still out there and if you come back sometime I am pretty sure many will support you.
> Wish you the best of life
When you will release new game like Demon Hero Quest ,again ? Still wait for your new game
Thanks in advance!
I'm still in lurker status for now but you can contact me at!